St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church
872 N. 29th St. Boise, ID
an American parish of the Russian Orthodox Church
Sponsor an Icon

We are very fortunate to have here in our parish Fr. Matthew Garrett, a talented iconographer, who has undertaken to decorate the interior of our Church.  Fr. Matthew has proposed a plan of icons which will be executed as it becomes possible throughout the next several years. Fr. Matthew has made some suggestions of icons that would be appropriate in particular places however he is also open to suggestions that you may have of particular saints or feasts that you would like to see in our Church.  This undertaking, however, will occupy much of his time and thus compromise his ability to support himself and his family as he earns his living by painting icons.  Please consider sponsoring an icon to help defray the costs involved.  Prices are listed below.  If you cannot sponsor an icon right away or by yourself, consider a few options.  Two or more families could join together to sponsor an icon that would be out of the reach of any one family.  A monthly pledge could be made to sponsor an icon so that a little each month would be contributed towards its completion.  Also, we will be establishing a general fund for the “decoration of the Church” to which you can donate any amount on a regular basis which will be used (at least in part) to support Fr. Matthew’s work.

If you would like to sponsor a particular icon or have other suggestions, send a message to Fr. David or Fr. Matthew via the Contact page. Payments can be made via check or with the PayPal button at the bottom of the home page - be sure to include a note with the payment if it is for a particular icon or toward the iconography in general.

Many of the icons have been completed, some are sponsored but not yet done, and others are still available for sponsorship. Icons highlighted in blue are the ones available for sponsorship.  The others are completed or sponsored as noted.

Martyrs on the Columns

17” x 30” each                 $850 per figure

4 columns with room for 2 figures on each column

Suggested Possibilities:

North Side (Female Martyrs):

St. Thecla - DONE
St. Barbara - DONE
St. Catherine - DONE
St. Irene - DONE

South Side (Male Martyrs);

St. George - DONE
St. Varus - DONE
St. Stephen - SPONSORED
St. Demetrius the Myrrhstreaming - SPONSORED

On a Column

13" x 123"                  $1,250 per figure

St. Symeon the Stylite
St. Daniel or St. Alipy the Stylite

Panels to the Left and Right of the Columns

St. Matrona of Moscow - DONE
Sts. Cyril and Methodius - DONE
Sts. Elizabeth and Barbara - DONE
St. John of San Francisco - DONE

Altar Area

Donated by Fr. Matthew

Platytera (icon of the Theotokos on the back wall) with the Prophets
Deisis row:
      Christ in Glory with Mother of God
      St. John Forerunner
      Archangels Michael & Gabriel
      SS Peter and Paul
      St. John Chrystostom
      St. Basil the Great
Descent into Hades
Communion of the Apostles (2 panels)

By request of Archbishop Kyrill

28” x 40” icon of the Nativity of Christ - DONE
28” x 40” icon of the Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane - DONE
53” x 80” icon of the Raising of Lazarus - DONE
53” x 80” icon of the Entry into Jerusalem - DONE
53” x 80” icon of the Arrest of Jesus - DONE
53” x 80” icon of the Crucifixion of Jesus -DONE

Side Wall of the Kliros - Hymnographers

30" x 45" panel of St. John of Damascus and St. Romanos the Melodist      $2,000

Confession Area

30 5/8" x 45" panel with SS Constantine and Helen with the True Cross (side wall)      $2,000
TBD               Prodigal Son (above the confessional)                                                         $2,000

Below the High Windows, North and South

44” tall, room for 10-15 figures in one mural             $1,200 per figure

To be completed once we have a full panel’s worth of figures

Saints of Russia
suggested possibilities:

St. Xenia of St. Petersburg - SPONSORED
St. Sergius of Radonezh - SPONSORED
St. John of Kronstadt - SPONSORED
St. Seraphim Vyritsa
St. Job of Pochaev
St. Vladimir
St. Olga
St. Hierarchs of Russia
St. Anthony and Theodosy of the Kiev Caves
St. Luke the Surgeon

Saints of North America
suggested possibilities:

St. Peter the Aleut
St. Innocent of Alaska
St. Jacob Netsvetov
St. Herman of Alaska
St. Juvenaly
St. Alexei Toth
St. Raphael of Brooklyn
St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow
St. John Kochurov - SPONSORED
St. Alexander Hotovitzky
St. Nicholai of Zicha
St. Sebastian Dabovich

Triangular Compositions next to Icons of Saints of Russia and America

44” x 80” icons               $2,000 per panel

St. Mary of Egypt outside the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God - DONE
St. Mary of Egypt receiving communion from Saint Zosimas - SPONSORED
Denial of Saint Peter
Repentance of Saint Peter - DONE

Above the (regular) Windows

34” x 30”                        Six panels:

Scenes from the life of St. Seraphim

Miraculous healing as a child   $1,500
Praying on the rock - DONE
Feeding the bear - DONE
Wounded by robbers   $1,500
Vision during the Liturgy   $1,500  
Transfiguration with Motovilov - DONE

Between the (regular) Windows

North Wall - Intercessors for Parents and Child-bearing

71 5/8" x 45"      $2,000 per couple

SS Joachim and Anna
SS Zachariah and Elizabeth

South Wall - Intercessors for the Sick (Wonderworks and Healers)

71 5/8" x 45"      $1,000 per figure

St. Nektarios
SS Cosmas and Damian
St. Spyridon - SPONSORED

(could substitue St.Panteleimon or another healer/wonderworker or potentially add additional figures)

Other Icons

Plashchnitsa of the Mother of God (for Dormition) - DONE

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