St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church
872 N. 29th St. Boise, ID
an American parish of the Russian Orthodox Church
Prayer and Fasting - archpriest Oleg Stenyayev

First of all, fasting is something without which we will not be able to overcome the evil one’s forces; as the Bible says: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting (Mt. 17:21). Fasting strengthens our prayer and, as an action connected with our body, it weakens sinful desires of our body. Because it is difficult for people to lead a prayerful life and at the same time to ignore all the urges of body. Let us confess: often during our prayer our mind is wandering somewhere, we are thinking of something different, sometimes even something indecent. And we stop our thoughts and try to remember which prayer we are reading: to the Mother of God or to Christ? And we even turn over the page in order to look. It appears that we stopped praying at some point: sinful suggestions acted on us as a result of the weakening of the flesh. Fasting helps overcome it.

Fasting is the most favorable time for praying. Our soul is directly linked to our body, and, if the body is not under control (especially by prayer), it is an assault on the soul.

The soul needs training, endurance. This training is fasting, the support is prayer. Even the body becomes weak unless we do exercises and train it. There are so many people who go in for sports, go to gyms in order to be in good shape! But why don’t we have such a serious attitude about our soul?

When we eat only fasting food, we as if return to the state of Paradise. For, Adam and Eve ate only vegetable food in the Garden of Eden.

Food restrictions are vital. I will repeat myself: it is significant because the body, restrained by prayer, allows us to concentrate on prayer.

Fasting is a good time for other kinds of body “training” as well: when, for instance, spouses by mutual agreement decide to refrain from marital relations during the fast to exercise their prayer. Refusal of non-fasting food during this period helps much in that.

It is very important to read the Holy Scripture during fast as it gives a spiritual support. Try to read the Gospels, and read them with due attention, maybe even with comments by the Holy Fathers. Also, one could read other Biblical books, very carefully and thoughtfully. So not only will fasting be a time for a spiritual exercise for us, but it will be a period of our spiritual education as well. And one should not forget that there are daily Gospel and Epistle readings. It is recommended to read the Gospel and the Epistle of the day every day right after the morning prayers. These are short pieces of reading and it will be very good if a believer meditates on the subject of the reading during the day.

Why else is it important to combine prayer with reading of the Word of God? If I just pray, then such a prayer may become a mere monologue and not rise higher than my ceiling. But if I combine reading of the Word of God with prayer, then it comes out that I ask God in my prayer, and He answers me through the Holy Scripture.

Relaxations in fasting

For whom do fast relaxations exist? Pregnant women, nursing mothers, prisoners and servicemen are exempt from fasting. Also there are fast relaxations for sick people: they discuss their diet with doctors and ask for their priests’ blessing.

Small children have a large number of relaxations in fasting – the Holy Fathers wrote about this. But it is necessary to remember that the relaxations concern only food. For children, here is an example from my own experience. Once a boy aged 6 or 7 came up to me and said: “I am not allowed to fast. But you say each of us should find his or her own form of fasting. What would you recommend me to do?” And I answered him: “Abstain from chewing gum.” We saw him chewing all the time in the church, and whenever we reprimanded him for that, the boy took his chewing gum out of his mouth, stuck it behind his ear and soon started chewing it again. I suggested that he give up chewing gum during the fast – and he did. It was a real trial for him – not to chew. We saw how difficult it was for him to cope with this task. I even asked the parishioners to support him by prayer. And the boy succeeded in this – he experienced true fasting. We were happy for him. We asked him: “Was it hard for you?” And he replied: “Yes, particularly at the beginning. Then it got easier; I drank water.”

Thus, if someone cannot observe the fast properly, it does not mean that he or she should not fast at all. We can always deprive ourselves of something for the sake of spiritual perfection.

During the winter season our organisms get tired of heavy food, like meat, and the Nativity Fast and Great Lent help us in this enormously. And when we eat more vegetables and fruit during this period, we sleep better and our body gets rest. We no longer feel sleepiness during prayer. However, prayer combined with non-fasting food is difficult prayer.

Studying the Holy Scriptures in the period of fast is very different, too: it is easier for your mind to memorize the texts, you apprehend them figuratively, and your mind is not wandering during reading.

You say: “I cannot.” But have you ever tried? What if you can? I would advise people who have never observed fasts properly: please, try! If a person tries, that is, enters the world of fasting, he or she will be able to form an opinion of it. Because you cannot reject the things of which you have absolutely no idea! You say: “I cannot”. But have you ever tried? What if you can?

I would like to give advice to those who think they will not be able to “get through” the forty days of fast, make an effort to keep the strict fast for a week. And then, when you have a clear feeling of this lightness – in praying, in reading the Holy Scriptures – such a strong spiritual and quiet joy will come to you, that you will want to continue your fasting. Why not try? Since fasting is expression of your free will. Be brave! And you will see how good it is. You will feel how these restrictions and prayer, in combination with fasting, enrich your soul greatly.