St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church
872 N. 29th St. Boise, ID
an American parish of the Russian Orthodox Church
Preparing for Holy Communion


Often people ask what is necessary to prepare for receiving Holy Communion. The first and most important preparation is the ongoing participation in the spiritual life of the Church. If you plan to receive Holy Communion on a Sunday or other feast day when there is a Divine Liturgy, you should attend the Vigil (at least through Vespers or through the anointing in Matins) the evening prior. In the morning, arrive in time for the beginning of the Divine Liturgy (plan to arrive early, during the hours, so that the inevitable delays will not make you late).

One should also prepare for coming into the presence of the All Holy God by spiritually cleansing oneself as thoroughly as possible. This is done by making a confession the evening before receiving the Mysteries.

The spiritual preparation also includes a prayer rule as prescribed by your spiritual father. The minimum rule can be found in most prayerbooks and consists of the psalms and canon of preparation as well as the collection of preparation prayers. This rule must be said between the Vigil and the Liturgy. A more profitable rule of preparation includes the chanting of three canons (to the Savior, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel) and of one akathist (usually either to the Savior or the Mother of God). This rule of preparation can also be found in most prayer books. If you do not have access to these prayer rules, your spiritual father can provide them for you.

In addition to attendance at the Divine Services and the prayer rule, one should fast in preparation for the Mysteries. If you receive the Mysteries once a month or less, you should keep a strict fast on Friday and Saturday and then from midnight before on Sunday fast from all food and drink until you have received.   If you receive the Mysteries every two weeks or more often, you should fast from all food and drink from midnight before on Sunday until you have received. After receiving the Mysteries, you may break the fast, but keep the rest of the day holy in honor of the Holy One Whom you have received.

Changes to this rule of preparation should only be undertaken with the express blessing of your spiritual father.